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Investee Company News

Investrust Bank Plc | Appointment of Directors

In accordance with Section 3.59 of the Lusaka Securities Exchange Listing Rules, the Board of Investrust Bank Plc (“the Board”) wishes to announce the appointment of the following non-executive Directors to the board with effect from 25th March 2019:-

1. Mr. Situmbeko C. Mubano
2. Mr. Siakamwi Chikuba

Mr. Mubano holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics & Statistics from the University of Zambia (“UNZA”) and is an economist and investment management professional with over 18 years of experience. Mr. Chikuba holds a Bachelor of Law degree from UNZA and is a legal practitioner with over 10 years of experience as a lawyer.

The Board would like to congratulate Mr. Mubano and Mr. Chikuba on their appointment to the Board and wishes them the best in their new roles.

By Order of the Board
Brian Msidi
Company Secretary

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on 01 April 2019

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First Issued on 01 April 2019

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