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ZCCM-IH scoops Men’s 1st & Female’s 2nd positions, in the mining category at the 2016 Inter Company 10km relay race in Lusaka

The ZCCM-IH athletics team put up a spirited fight, in the 10 kilometers relay race in the Inter-Company relay in Lusaka, 25 June 2016.

The ladies team of 8 comprised of Loisa Mbatha-Kakoma, Mwilu Muzyamba, Abigail Kabwe, Nalukui S. Kapangula, Anne Banda, Claudette Malambo & Yendeka Banda. The men’s team comprised of Stephen Phiri, Chabby Chabala, Tito Kalembo, Charles Mjumphi, Kasonde Bwalya, George Nyirenda, Ainsley Syanziba and Christopher Mutepuka.

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