ZCCM-IH through its wholly owned manganese mine Kabundi Resources Limited (KRL) on 7th November 2020 handed over various infrastructure and items to fulfil its Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) obligations.
Valued at K4.5 million, the items and infrastructure handed over included:
- Nine-by-three bedroomed houses for the relocation of the Project Affected families in Kampumbu Resettlement area;
- Tools and farming inputs to accompany each house handed over;
- Monetary compensation for three of the eleven families relocated that opted to receive cash rather than one of the three bedroomed houses constructed;
- A new rural health centre and a house for a medical staff at Kampumbu; and
- An additional one-by-two classroom block at Kampumbu Primary School, as well as teacher’s house.
The event was graced by the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Hon. Richard Musukwa, whom was accompanied by Serenje Member of Parliament Hon. Maxwell Kabanda, Central Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Bernard Chomba, Serenje District Commissioner and Council Mayor, as well as various senior government officials. Also in attendance were the ZCCM-IH CEO, and several ZCCM-IH Board of Directors.