WITH copper prices yesterday climbing to record high in both London and Shanghai markets, Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines -Investments Holdings (ZCCM-IH) is optimistic that the development will boost revenue for Mopani Copper Mines.
The prices have continued rising breaching the US$10,000 mark as hopes of improved demand and tight supply fuelled sentiment.
Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange touched its all-time high level of US$10,660 a tonne earlier in the session before easing to US$10,628 a tonne, but still up by two percent.
The most-traded June copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange climbed by 4.2 percent to 77,260 yuan (US$12,014) a tonne.
ZCCM-IH chief investments officer Brian Musonda said with the acquisition of the mine by his organisation on behalf of CLICK TO READ MORE
Source: http://www.daily-mail.co.zm/copper-price-reaches-10628-a-tonne/