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Corporate Announcements

ZCCM_IH | 2014 Annual Report and Financial Statements

Chairman’s Statement

The financial year ended 31 March 2014 was an exciting year for ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH). Significant milestones such as the restructuring of the balance sheet through a Claw-Back rights offer were successfully completed. This development saw the Company’s balance sheet being strengthened in a significant way thereby placing the Company in a position to leverage this strength to continue with its growth strategy.

Global economy

The global economy grew by 2.9% at the end of December 2013 (2012: 3.2%). Global GDP was lower than 2012 reflecting an economic slowdown in the leading emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Growth in 2013 was a mix of modest improvements in economic conditions in mature economies of the United States and the Eurozone area and a stabilization of the slower growth rates in major emerging markets. During the first quarter ended 31 March 2014 global GDP rose to 3.4% (2013:3.25%)…

Financial performance

The Group recorded turnover of K1, 001 million (2013: K520 million) and operating profit of K871 million (2013: K376 million)…

Strategic and new investments

Recapitalisation of Ndola Lime Company (NLC)

The recapitalisation project at NLC continued. The Company obtained an additional shareholder loan of US$3.5 million from ZCCM-IH towards funding for the Ndola Lime Recapitalisation Project. Subsequent to the year end, ZCCM-IH extended a further US$5million loan to NLC…

Nkana Alloy Smelting Company Limited

The restructuring of Chambishi Metals Plc resulted in the formation of Nkana Alloy Smelting Company Limited (Nkana Alloy)…

Mawe Exploration and Technical Services Limited

On 12th April 2013 ZCCM-IH incorporated Mawe Exploration and Technical Services Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary…

Capital market

The ZCCM-IH share price on the Lusaka Stock Exchange closed the year at K27 (2013: K12.5). The market capitalisation as at 31 March 2014 was K4,341 million (2013: K1,116 million).The growth in the company’s share price is indicative of the growing confidence from the market.


While global activity has generally strengthened and is expected to continue in 2014–15 on the back of growth coming from mature economies, emerging economies have seen increased financial volatility as well as increases in the cost of capital. These factors may dampen investment and growth.


I extend my gratitude to my fellow Board members, the Management and Staff of ZCCM-IH for their commitment and hard work during the past financial year. I further extend my gratitude to the investee companies for their efforts and contributions during the year.

Cosmas Mwananshiku Director

Download the full 2014 annual report and financial statements below:

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc 2014 Annual Report and Financial Statements

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