ZCCM Investments Holdings PLC (ZCCM-IH) is pleased to announce an investment opportunity in real estate. Due to the strategic realignment of its portfolio, ZCCM-IH has set its focus solely on mining, energy, mining strategics and beneficiation. In line with this strategic direction, ZCCM-IH is seeking potential investors interested in acquiring a 49% or 100% equity stake currently held by ZCCM-IH in the real estate investment asset – Rembrandt Properties Limited.
ZCCM-IH hereby invites interested investors to explore this unique investment opportunity.
About Rembrandt
Rembrandt is 74-key boutique hotel gracing the opulent enclave of Woodlands, Lusaka Zambia. The hotel features conference facilities on the ground floor and an FNB private banking branch on the upper deck.
It opened to the public on 1st June 2022 and the current tenant and operator is The Urban Hotel Group.
ZCCM-IH holds a 49% stake in Rembrandt, while Urban Brands and Sims Capital jointly own 51% interest, split equally.
Call for Expression of Interest.
This is an opportunity for real estate funds, Real Estate Investment Trust’s, and hotel managers and operators to invest in a prime property through debt and/or equity.
Mr. Brian Musonda: Chief Investments Officer Email: brian.musonda@zccm-ih.com.zm
Mr. Bryson Kacha: Portfolio Manager – Non Mining Assets Email: bryson.kacha@zccm-ih.com.zm